
This Global Goals Community is for all people who believe a change is needed towards a sustainable and circular world. Join us, and make the community grow.
Mother Earth is already happy with small initiatives. So do not hesitate to join!

Join the community

Global Goals Community is for all people who believe a change is needed towards a sustainable and circular world. Besides the believe in change, you recognize a strong feeling to take action. Creating big impact, starts with your first small step!
Be welcome to join, and you might think about following courses too to support in helping us towards a better world.

And....thank you for joining us on instagram!
CLick on the link below to meet our AMBASSADORS

News of the community

Contribute to the community, share your insights with us

Reach the community members

Contributing means a bigger reach of your story. Support us and see a direct effect on your initiative by using this facilitating platform!
Participate, and work on Goal 17: partnership for the goals!

Economic versus Social value

We know it is very cost consuming to build a great course around sustainability. By using this platform you are able to reach new customers. We can help you! And you help the community!
Global Goal 8: Decent work & Economic Growth

Promote your University

You are working for a University and you have a great course? Present it on this platform . Are you looking for leadership courses for your University? Tell us, we've the solution.
Global Goal 4: Education for all!

Expand internationally

Your insights will help to build a strong community. Do not hesitate to unfold your knowledge about the Global Goals. The huge international network will be happy to learn you, and to be taught by you!

Become an Ambassador

We strongly believe in cooperation. Using peoples talent. That’s why we ask you to become an ambassador.

Expanding not only our network, but yours!  In this community we love to give you an entrance to the world. You will get your own page to present your valuable contribution to our CEO Mother Earth. You will be mentioned in the list of ambassadors, and on our LinkedIn page, so you will be easy to find for those who are in the need of your expertise.

Creating a sustainable match, that’s what Mother Earth wants us to do!

We only ask ask you a few little actions. We want you to follow our LinkedIn page and like our Instagram account. You mention us on your Linkedin page and you are willing to add an article (only once per 3 Months). We hope you will give a masterclass when the GlobalGoals community is organizing an (online) event.

That’s all.

What are you waiting for? Become an Ambassador!

Global Goals on Instagram

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