The Global Goals Community

An inspirational community for you, your team, your business


The  is becoming official partner with CIFAL FLANDERS UNITAR for the PCA2030 trajectory program. We will support CIFAL FLANDERS to make the Netherlands more SDG-proof!  Our CEO, mother Earth, is really happy about this new cooperation!

CIFAL Flanders promotes peace, human rights and sustainable development and the declarations, principles and guidelines of the United Nations, with focus on the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

CIFAL Flanders is devoted to strengthen a just transition towards a sustainable society and economy through capacity building of all actors in society

SAVE THE DATE: 28 januari 2025

Op 28 januari starten we weer met een nieuwe groep!

Wil  je je organisatie  ook SDG proof hebben? Wil je voorbereid zijn op de CSRD – ESG rapportage wetgeving die er ook voor jou aan komt? Wil je gebruik maken van een lerend netwerk, en zo je propositie naar de markt versterken?

Zorg dan dat je er bij bent!


De start van de eerste kick off in 2024

Kick-off February 29th 2024

Live from Breda. The first group of companies started their trajectory and were informed about the details of the UNITAR-Cifal PCA2030 Trajectory.
Enjoy the video of this event: podcast

Become informed about the advantage to join the PCA2030 Trajectory. Thanks to Rynko van Diepen, Avans University for supporting.
Below you'll find the story:
(in Dutch)


Every organisation already touches upon elements of sustainability.

However, sometimes organisations need a push to raise their level of ambition in line with the SDGs. The goal of the PCA2030 Trajectory is to offer your organisation the tools needed to:

  •  Raise your organisation’s sustainable ambitions;
  • Become a co-creator of a sustainable future;
  • Contribute to the realisation of the Agenda 2030;
  • Create a strategy for a time-resilient organisation backed by sustainable considerations and SDGs;
  • Account for the implementation of an outside-in approach based on the Agenda 2030.


The trajectory is meant for all actors in society (governmental institutions, micro, small, medium and multinational enterprises, higher education institutions, civil society organisations, etc.).

The PCA2030 Trajectory can be joined as:

  1. A partner of the or the CIFAL Flanders’ SDG Learning Network
  2. In the Netherlands in alliance with our task force, H3ROES or NextLevelUp
You will work in a group with a maximum of 12 organisations. One to one feedback sessions are included.  We will start every 2 Month a group. versus SDG NEDERLAND and the Dutch Government

Does it look a bit confusing? Well, let us explain the difference and how we cooperate for the same ultimate goal!   A better world, full of actions.

About SDG Netherlands and the Dutch government

SDG Netherlands is the movement of everyone in the Netherlands who contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals. We are with more than 1,300 civil society organisations, youth groups, municipalities, financial institutions, educational and knowledge institutions and residents’ networks.

The Dutch government is also encouraging broad efforts on the SDGs under the direction of the national SDG coordinator. We work from society, they work from the government. The national SDG coordinator has his own small team, which can be reached via

About is working closely together with companies and organisations to create an SDG-proof strategy and implementation. We cooperate with Cifal-Flanders and UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training And Research). 

Our program is aligned with Unitar Cifal-Flanders, and is called the PCA2030 trajectory. You can read more above.

We are member of the SDG Netherlands community

Join the community

The Global Goals Community is for all people who believe a change is needed towards a sustainable and circular world. Besides this believe in change, you recognize a strong feeling to take action. Creating big impact, starts with your first small step!

Be welcome to join, and become an ambassador. We need your help towards a better world.

Please follow us on one of our Socials, or even better: BECOME AN AMBASSADOR

A message from our new CEO

As Mother Earth I feel honored to be the new CEO for The Global Goals Community.

I can tell you, I really want do the utmost to create a great life for all of you. But remember, as CEO I give you a lot of responsibility. You only have a limited time to change your habits, and define a way of life which secures also next generations' life. So use the limited time in the right way, and do not wait too long to take action. This Global Goals community supports you as a learning tool. A knowledge base. Besides that, please become an ambassador, and let others know about your valuable initiative. I am pleased to mention yours! Our courses will create the opportunity to grow with this community, do not hesitate to follow one or more.

JOIN and be ready for the CSRD-ESG reporting

The guidance towards a leader in sustainability will immediate deliver the preparations to measure performance on a ESG reporting law level.
Be prepaired for the future!

''Ready to use'' our online toolbox

An online toolbox for all community members is free to use. Besides our guidance, you will find much more tools to transform your organisation.
A journey for all employees!

Improving business performance

We believe our program will only satisfy you, when business improves. That's why we will support you improving the customer satisfaction.
We will add value!

Be in Demand with Our Professional Training

This community provides the guidance to become a leader, prepaired for the future. Our programs are developed and aligned with the Cifal-UNITAR courses. This guarantees the quality of the programs. At the end of all trajectories, an assessment is part of the completion. After completion and a successful assessment you will receive the certification, signed by UNITAR. We really hope this community helps all of us in order to sustain on our planet.

Rob de With
CEO and founder of ATWORKSOLUTIONS and initiator of
the Global Goals Community

A long life learning is the new normal. But what did you learn about the Global Goals and the way to implement a better / sustainable way of living?  We provide personal development / personal leadership courses to make yourself a professional in understanding and working with the Global Gobal Goals. Fully online courses, made to follow whenever you want. Start today!

How do you inplement the Global Goals in education? We have online training modules for your students! Ready to use, and no development needed. Based on the ECTS system, we developped a complete learning line for personal development / personal leadership. Without changing curricula to implement. Already used in more than 10 countries.

For businesses we provide online courses to create responsibility. We support in translating the individual responsibility towards a better team and a sustainable strategy!

At the end, a better performing company, the Global Goals implemented!


What Our Participants Have to Say

Rob is a wonderful agile and creative professional.  He quickly understood the importance of sustainability and invested in his projects dedicated to the SDG's, connecting this to his marketing and HR knowledge and skills. Trustworthy and good to know !
Prof. dr. Jean-Pierre Segers
Riga Technical University, HEC Liège and PXL-Business
Rob helped us to see what skills we have, and which skills we could improve to improve the teams overall performance. Furthermore he helped us to create a vision on the Sustainable development goals and to put them into practice.
Michiel Wiegerinck, MSc
Associate professor, Avans University of Applied Science
An easy acces to a wonderful online course. It gave me insights about who I am, and now looking for a job which fits better with my talents. Thanks Laura
Frank Jones
From Japan
Creating a really good team, based on talents and competences was extremely difficult. This ME & MY TALENTS online course, including ME & MY TEAM digital performance measuring tool is perfect. Team is happy, results are growing. Recommend this to every manager.
Jack Brownn
From London, UK
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