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Our most popular and relevant courses in a row! Go check it out and decide which course fits the best!
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Our courses



A two day interactive teamtraining to develop a sustainable strategy for your comapany



Combining the outcomes of the MY TALENTS-scans of individual team members to create a team performance overview



What type of person are you? Based on the psychology of Carl Gustav Jung, we will connect the most suitable Global Goals to your personal qualities



First we connect your personal qualities to the most suitable Global Goals. Secondly we will give insights in your talents. Unfolding your real power!

Courses from our partners

Earth Charter Introductory Course

This course offers an opportunity to deepen the knowledge about the ethical foundation of the Earth Charter and about the worldview that is articulated in it.

What Our Participans Have to Say

Rob is a wonderful agile and creative professional. He quickly understood the importance of sustainability and invested in his projects dedicated to the SDG's, connecting this to his marketing and HR knowledge and skills. Trustworthy and good to know !
Prof. dr. Jean-Pierre Segers
Riga Technical University, HEC Liège and PXL-Business
Rob helped us to see what skills we have, and which skills we could improve to improve the teams overall performance. Furthermore he helped us to create a vision on the Sustainable development goals and to put them into practice.
Michiel Wiegerinck, MSc
Associate professor, Avans University of Applied Science
I did this course fully online, and did not know what to expect. A great and easy to acces course which changed my life.
Frank Jones
From Japan
In an online group session I discovered my talents. Wow, is just the first and only reaction. It looks so simple, but what a detailed description of me. It was a great and impactful learning!
Jack Brownn
From London, UK
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