PCA stands for SDG Pioneer , SDG Champion, and SDG Ambassador. They reflect three levels of ambition in our PCA2030 Trajectory for realizing the SDGs.
2030 refers to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SDGs.
Trajectory concerns the path on which organisations embark to learn, implement and communicate on the SDGs. Each ambition level is rewarded by a UNITAR certificate of completion.
For the Netherlands we will start a new SDG PIONEER level of ambition course every Month. We would love to see you join .

Each phase of the PCA2030 Trajectory requires a higher level of ambition in realising the SDGs: from strategic implementation (Pioneer) through transition (Champion) to a human rights approach of sustainable development (Ambassador). For each phase, there is a checklist of tasks to be completed.
Those are clustered around 6 working areas: learning, organising, formulating, implementing, evaluating and communicating.
Our experienced team will lead you through the process.
Every organisation already touches upon elements of sustainability.
However, sometimes organisations need a push to raise their level of ambition in line with the SDGs. The goal of the PCA2030 Trajectory is to offer your organisation the tools needed to:
- Raise your organisation’s sustainable ambitions;
- Become a co-creator of a sustainable future;
- Contribute to the realisation of the Agenda 2030;
- Create a strategy for a time-resilient organisation backed by sustainable considerations and SDGs;
- Account for the implementation of an outside-in approach based on the Agenda 2030.
The SDG PIONEER program will take approx. two years of transition and growth of your organisation. For only € 8.000.– euro (Excl. 21% VAT) per year we will support you to become SDG proof as an organisation.
Per year we will have at least two full days of training, a quarterly feedback session with your management team (or in this proces invloved employees), and you are invited for our yearly event. You will also be informed about the latest news around the SDG’s and transitioning your company.
You will get a personal point of contact for all questions.
After a succesful end assessment you will get a certificat officially signed by UNITAR. You are for the next three years an SDG Pioneer!
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You might have a question, a remark, an idea or something else. Do not hesitate to contact us!
Are you willing to subscribe for the program? Just mention it in the ”write us” area.
We really like to learn from you.
We would love to see you in our program and co-create a better future together.
Laura / co-founder